Thursday, June 5, 2008


Xp Vehicles brings u an electric car which can travel for up to 2,500 miles on a single electric charge.
XP vehicles state that the Whisper will have a range of 2,500 miles using their “hot-swap XPack Multi-Core battery/fuel cell power plant,” they are aiming for a price point of under $5,000. The cars will be sold direct online, initially only offered in Asian markets,it gets shipped to you in two cardboard boxes, and the estimated assembly time is less than two hours. Perhaps it's that the car is made out of "airbags" - the same polymer materials used to cushion NASA's rovers when they landed on Mars. Then again, it could be the company's claim that you can drive the car off a cliff without serious injury, and that it will float in a flood or tsunami.
The company hopes to have a prototype of the inflatable electric car by the end of the year, with production in 2010 at the earliest.

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